Billing and Payment

Payment Due Dates


  • Fall semester due July 1
  • Spring semester due January 2

School of Law

  • Fall semester due August 1
  • Spring semester due January 2
  • Summer semester due May 15

Roger Williams University offers a variety of convenient ways to make education payments. To make online payments or setup a payment plan you need to be a student or granted authorized user access to the RWU Student Account Center (SAC). Due to student privacy regulations, only students receive initial access to the SAC.

The SAC is a comprehensive billing and payment platform. Once granted access, you can view real-time account activity, create on-demand statements, make payments, and enroll in an optional monthly payment plan.

Students can log in and authorize account access for parents or other users with the following steps.

  1. Log in to
  2. On the left sidebar, select Financial Information
  3. Select RWU Student Account Center
  4. On the SAC home page navigate to My Profile Setup
  5. Select Authorized Users
  6. Select Add Authorized Users

One-time Online Payments

On the SAC you can make one-time payments with your bank account, debit card or credit card. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. Please note there is a 2.95% non-refundable convenience fee for domestic credit/debit cards and a 4.25% non-refundable convenience fee for international credit/debit cards. You can also store payment methods and schedule future payments.

Payment Plans

Looking for an easy way to manage your education bill? The monthly payment plan at Roger Williams University provides a flexible option for paying your education expenses in smaller, more manageable monthly installments. You can schedule, budget, and make tuition payments directly from a bank account, credit or debit card. There is a 2.95% non-refundable convenience fee for domestic credit/debit cards and a 4.25% non-refundable convenience fee for international credit/debit cards.

Our payment plans are offered per semester for five monthly installments. All payment plans have a $40 enrollment fee per semester. Late payments are subject to a $25 late fee.

Fall Semester Payment Plan

Due on the first of each month.

  • Monthly Payments: 5
  • First Payment Due: July 1
  • Final Payment Due: November 1

Spring Semester Payment Plan

Due on the first of each month.

  • Monthly Payments: 5
  • First Payment Due: December 1
  • Final Payment Due: April 1

Summer Semester Payment Plan (Law Only)

  • Monthly Payments: 2
  • First Payment Due: May 15
  • Final Payment Due: June 15

Questions about payment plans? Please call our Payment Plan Support Line at 833-269-3675.

Applying for Financial Aid

There are many types of aid available for students. Some programs run by Roger Williams are awarded by simply applying for admission, while others are awarded to students through a more formal aid application process. To ensure full consideration for all aid programs, you should complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Learn more about applying for Financial Aid

TransferMate for International Payments (& Domestic Wires)

At Roger Williams University, we know that our international students often have to pay significant international transfer fees when paying for their tuition fees and expenses. We listened to your challenges, so we've teamed up with TransferMate to provide you a transparent payment method to reduce additional bank fees and improve your payment experience. TransferMate helps international students pay tuition and fees in their local currency from any country. 

What are the benefits?

  • Faster payment posting to your student account 

  • Local currency payment methods

  • Great exchange rates

  • 24-hour customer service from TransferMate

  • 24-hour online tracking of payments 

TransferMate lets you make international payments to RWU in your own currency while receiving competitive foreign exchange rates. If you're an international student or parent you can use this secure, payment method during your online checkout process.

Watch this TransferMate video for a quick demo!

529 College Savings Plan

Parents and/or students must contact their 529 plan administrator directly and follow their procedures to process a withdrawal. Many plans will require a three (3) week lead time!

More information on paying your bill with a 529 plan.

Payment Address

Roger Williams University strongly encourages payment via our online Student Account Center; however, payments, overnight payments, and scholarship and loan checks requiring a physical address should be mailed to:

Bursar's Office
Roger Williams University
One Old Ferry Road
Bristol, RI

Please ensure the student name and ID number are in the memo section of the check.